100 Ways to Get Inspired
One of the best ways to get inspired is to inspire someone else. Here are 100 ways to get inspired. I hope you find this useful, and I hope that you pass these on to those who may benefit.
1. Change your routine.
2. Make a new habit.
3. Break an old habit.
4. Outsource tasks you're not good at or don't enjoy.
5. Get a coach.
6. Lose/gain weight.
7. Exercise.
8. Start a business.
9. Change jobs.
10. Start a web site or a blog.
11. Volunteer.
12. Donate to charity.
13. Take a trip.
14. Use a different route to get to work.
15. Get up earlier every day for a week.
16. Avoid using the word "no" for days.
17. Go for a car ride to a town you've never been in.
18. Take yourself out for a meal.
19. Make new friends.
20. Talk to a new stranger every day for a week.
21. Take up a new sport.
22. Join a local club.
23. Join an online membership community.
24. Change your diet.
25. Give up sugar.
26. Start a journal.
27. Start a club or organization.
28. Have a "friend's night out."
29. Go out to the movies.
30. Buy your favorite movies on DVD.
31. Write down your goals and make a plan to achieve them.
32. Buy a new car.
33. Plan your dream home.
34. Design your ideal life.
35. Read a book.
36. Throw out all that stuff you've been saving that you'll never use.
37. Eat something decadent.
38. Reward yourself.
39. Take a course.
40. Take up martial arts.
41. Delegate. (Get your kids to take out the garbage)
42. Order something from the Internet.
43. Take a risk you normally would not take.
44. Give up something you value to someone who really needs it.
45. Write a book.
46. Write an article for submission to a magazine.
47. Write a new blog entry that solves a problem for someone.
48. Write an article and submit it to the major Internet article sites.
49. Make a new web page and list your dreams for the world to see.
50. Write a short story.
51. Write poetry.
52. Speak in public.
53. Learn a new joke.
54. Tell the joke you just learned.
55. Ask for advice.
56. Confront a fear.
57. Buy new shoes.
58. Buy a new outfit.
59. Celebrate.
60. Wear something you normally wouldn't wear.
61. Do something you normall wouldn't do.
62. Tell someone the truth.
63. Address what's bothering you.
64. Meet new people in your life.
65. Fanasize.
66. Play a game.
67. Study a new subject.
68. Learn to play an instrument.
69. Learn to make something.
70. Remodel your house.
71. Plant a tree.
72. Start a garden.
73. Grow herbs.
74. Go on a fast.
75. Do something silly.
76. Smile.
77. Laugh.
78. Count stars.
79. Look for the man in the moon.
80. Go to a sporting event.
81. Go to a concert.
82. Go to the park.
83. Go to a play.
84. Play a sport you like or you're good at.
85. Clean your house.
86. Pay someone to clean your house.
87. Get up super early tomorrow and create something.
88. Indulge and pamper yourself.
89. Go on a date (with your spouse if you have one).
90. Watch a stupid movie you never would watch.
91. Give something of value to a total stranger in need.
92. Help someeone who currrently is where you once where.
93. Say yes more often.
94. If you can't say yes, say maybe.
95. If you can't say maybe, say what if we did this instead.
96. Write down your top goals times each per day.
97. Write down your top inspiring questions each morning, and read them again each night.
98. Read inspiring website pages per day for 0 days.
99. Inspire someone else to do something special.
100. _____________________________________
Number 100 is left blank so that you can fill in whatever it is you need to get inspired
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